Sunday 16 January 2011

A Steady Increase in Miles.

I did 32 Miles this week which is a slight increase in Mileage. I managed to get a 15 mile run today and did a 9 mile speed session yesterday so got some quality sessions in. Next week I need to increase my mid week mileage but keep the weekend miles the same.
My achilles has been sore for a few weeks but isn't getting any worse. I've been stretching every day hoping it will improve. Fingers crossed.

Sunday 9 January 2011

Back to the grind.

First full week in January and time to get some routine to my running, although we still have visitors in the house. I just about kept to plan with a mid week run, Cross- Country in keswick yesterday which was hard and 12.5 miles today. I was aiming for 15 but it was a longish run non the less. My weekly total was 29.5 miles.
The plan for this week is 2 mid runs with one being a speed session, a xc race or speed session on Saturday and a 15 miler on Sunday. We'll see.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

New Year Running

We had a house full of people over New Year so planning runs is all ways difficult, but luckily one of our guest is more into running than me so we managed to a get a few runs in.
30.12.2010 - 8 mile run up Skiddaw.
1.1.2011 - 4.5 mile, very easy.
2.1.2011 - 5.75 - Reasonable paced run with me trying to keep up with Maff.
3.1.2011 - 5.75 - Nice and steady again.
So some nice steady miles.
My medium targets are to get 2 weeks in with 40 miles . Lose 3 pounds (get to 13.7).
Plans for the rest of the week (now I'm back to work) are for 1 run mid week, then cross country race on Saturday and 15 miles on Sunday.

Monday 27 December 2010

It's about time I did something again

I've been running since I was 9, but in the last few years I've been doing less and less. Maybe it's a mid-life thing, but I'm going to enter a Marathon in 2011 and I thought I'd start this blog to help motivate me. Along with lots of other people traing for a spring marathon I'll be starting my training in the first week of January.